Getting Started is the hardest part...

When you hear people say that taking the first step is the hardest part, they're right.  Its the hardest part of any journey because that first step is the moment when things become real.  From that moment onward you're committed to seeing the project through.  If you take one step and never move forward again you have failed, but at least you have tried.  Its not much, but that first step is more than most people ever give their ideas.  Tonight, we're taking our first step and making our dream a little more tangible.  2015 is the year of professionalism and we're going to be doing our best to strive for that goal.  Surely there will be some missteps, this is a podcast about weed and whiskey after all, but we promise we'll give it our all for the whole next year, and for many to come.  We look forward becoming better orators with your assistance and hope you'll join us in our endeavor to smoke weed, drink whiskey, and generally enjoy life!